Blog 01-05-22
1 Reverse Image Search
1.1 Reddit Repostsleuth
It’s a very convenient webapp to check if an picture has been posted on Reddit before, or how many times it has been reposted.
In the search section, you can paste image URL of a Reddit post that you want to search, or upload the image from your computer.
The image URL looks like this: ( ). You can use this sample URL to test how it works.
If the post has just been submitted recently, you should expect to wait about 4 hours or more for the result to appear.
1.2 Imgops
This website is a meta tool that combines all the available image tools in one website.
It supports many search engines like Google, Bing, Tineye, Reddit, Yandex, Baidu…
Aside from reverse image search, ImgOps is also a meta-tool that lets you quickly apply many online image utilities to an image, such as making GIF, improving picture resolution, extracting metadata…
2 Cloudinary
- Testing Cloudinary CDN.
- With another host.
Cloudinary seems to be slower in loading speed than other?

Uploading videos generally works the same and supports the same options as uploading images. However, When uploading videos, keep the following guidelines in mind:
The default value for the upload method resource_type is image, so you must set the resource_type parameter when uploading videos. You can set the resource_type parameter to auto to instruct Cloudinary to automatically detect the asset type, or you can set the parameter to video if you know in advance that you are uploading a video file. For more details, see The ‘auto’ resource_type.
By default, uploading is performed synchronously, and once finished, the uploaded video is immediately available for transformations and delivery. For videos larger than 100 MB, you will need to use chunked uploading.