Blog 01-07-22
1 Arknights OST: Silver Lining
OST [Silver Lining] SilverAsh / Break The Ice Event Theme
Not a choice
It’s a call, pay the price
Stay the course, sacrifice
Trade pain for safety
For Kjerag
There’s a plan
For the future, it’s told
It’s a path, walk it bold
Through history, sorrowful
Guiding light
Sometimes burns
Guiding light
Holding the line
Steady, moving on
All stars aligned
The foundation safe and strong
Throw every stone
Shatter every wall
Earthquake and storm
You will never see them fall
All once known is lost
Intentions are revealed
With time, revenge, at cost
Broken wings are healed
Be a saint
Be a voice for the tribes
Calculate, through the strife
Don’t drift, don’t waver
Bring the strength
Bring the hope to survive
Understand that in time
Hearts heal, not falter
Guiding light
Will unchanged
Guiding light
Holding the line
Steady, moving on
All stars aligned
The foundation safe and strong
Throw every stone
Shatter every wall
Earthquake and storm
You will never see them fall
Cloaked in armor
A heart’s protection
A true love’s savior
2 Pallas Banner: From The Spark

2.1 Specter

I have a Pot 2 Specter, today I’m lucky enough to get her to Potential 4.

And that’s only one more Potential
to reach Improves Talent! FYI, one free Specter
can be obtained from Elite Operator Recruitment Permit
2.2 Other operators
2.3 Pallas

click to expand
My Advance Certificates (before): 487. Beanstalk (new): 487 + 1 = 488. Kirara (new): 488 + 1 = 489. Projekt Red Duplicate: 489 + 8 = 497. Silence Duplicate: 497 + 8 = 505. Croissant Duplicate: 505 + 5 = 510. Specter Duplicate: 510 + 5*2 = 520. Astesia Duplicate: 520 + 5 = 525. Pallas (new): 525 + 1 = 526.
4 star tokens: 50 Advance Certificates
5 star tokens: Red (+5); Silence (+5): total 10
My Advance Certificates (after): 526 + 50 + 10 = 586
I’m well ready for Bagpipe when she comes to the shop (should be very soon).

3 Arknights 2nd Anniversary Event
As expected, the [Dossoles Holiday] Event has been announced as the 2nd Anniversary Event, which features a summer theme, sticker collecting, Operator Modules, and the Limited Alter unit.
3.1 Ingame Rewards are present for interacting with the Arknights 2nd Anniversary page!
According to the site (info located on the bottom/final tab of the page), you will be rewarded with 600 orundum, 20k LMD and 10 Gold EXP tickets per interview you conduct!
Candela’s Interview

Mizuki’s Interview

Ernesto’s Interview

Pancho’s Interview

3.2 Mini-game: Design a card

3.3 Mini-event: The Plan of Anniversary Preparation