Blog 04-15-22
1 Arknights
1.1 Pinus Sylvestris
- Event Period: April 14, 2022, 10:00(UTC-7) - April 21, 2022, 03:59(UTC-7)
- Unlock Condition: Clear 1-10
- Stage Drops: event currency, materials, etc
Event Description: During the event period, event stages will be available for limited time, player can obtain event currency from any stage except for Annihilation, and Extreme Modes. and redeem event rewards and Information Fragments. [Information Fragments] can be used to unlock stories in current or previous storyset.

If you’ve played Who Is Real, you’ll recognize [PL-4] as a map where you’ll have to use your intellect a little to go through. :)

1.2 Click Skin: [Witch Feast] Grave Thief
Witch Feast Role-Playing Script ‘Horrorlair’s Enigma’ Custom Line/Grave Thief. The actor plays the role of the first enemy the hero faces. If defeated, she will offer her service as a merchant.

1.3 Carnelian E2 Promotion
Carnelian E2 promotion ~ click to expand

1.4 Dusk S1M1
Dusk, a Splash Caster coming from her very own limited banner, takes on the daunting task of achieving relevance as a splash caster. As the branch is plagued with issues such as limited utility, poor range, and awful attack speed, Dusk’s competitiveness against even the best of the casters is even more impressive. Dusk brings a strong, versatile kit that performs much better than the rest of her branch peers.
The skill has high consistent damage output and is one of the best options for consistent Arts splash damage. It gains an additional charge at M1 that many see as a power spike, but in practice it does not change much in terms of her overall performance and only serves to provide a small boost if there is a longer period between waves. The reason that’s not impactful is because the situation this skill excels in is when there is very little downtime, so that extra charge never really gets made use. If you are planning to use this a lot, then getting it to M3 is recommended as the lowered SP charges does wonders for making the skill more consistent where it excels.
Dusk S1M1 Training ~ click to expand

1.5 Exusiai S3M1
Exusiai’s S3 is the only skill to bother with. It is what makes her good. Occasionally someone will advocate her S2 but the DPS difference between the two skills is staggering. It’s almost never worth it and even advanced players will find almost no value in mastering S2. Timing issues are easier to solve than DPS issues and S3M3 adds a lot of forgiveness.
Exusiai S3M1 Training ~ click to expand

1.6 Perfumer Module

1.7 Paradox Simulation: Fang
It’s a simple mission: once Fang’s skill is up, activate it for DP gain (preferrably SL7). Crownslayer can be defeated by placing Robin mines along her path. This mission’s aethestic, gloomy, and rainy theme appeals to me.
Fang's Paradox Simulation ~ click to expand

1.8 Clearing all stages from Prologue to Episode 4
I take some time before the next event to finish some old missions from Prologue to Episode 4 that I haven’t finished yet in order to gain more Originium Prime for operator outfits and achievements.

I’ve recently discovered that deploying Skadi The Corrupted Heart first and Exusiai second (the reverse also works), Exusiai’s second talent, Angel’s blessing will buff Skadi, enhancing her passive buff even more. It’s not working on all maps, particularly the early rush map with dogs.
2 Android App: FolderSync
FolderSync enables simple sync to cloud based storage to and from local folders on the device SD cards. It support a wide range of different cloud providers and file protocols, and support for more platforms are added continuously. Root file access supported on rooted devices.
Effortlessly sync your files. Backup your music, pictures and other important files from the phone to your cloud storage or the other way around. It has never been easier Automation support using Tasker and similar programs enables fine grained control of your syncs.
FolderSync contains a full file manager, that enables you to manage your files locally and in the cloud. Copy, move and delete your files in your cloud/remote accounts. Support for creation/deletion of buckets in Amazon S3. Upload and download files from the phone. It’s all supported.
The free version contains ads. You can upgrade in-app to pro version. The pro version has no limitations. In all other regards the pro and lite versions are identical.
This is what I’m using to sync my vault from Dropbox to my Android phone. Because the Dropbox app requires a paid upgrade for offline storage, this FolderSync app does a good job.