Blog 05-15-22
1 Arknights
1.1 Near Light Event

Now I can access two missions: NL-S-1: Secret Passage and NL-S-2: Victory Boulevard

NL-EX-8 Stage: Exclusive Interview

[Arknights] [NL-EX-8] Challenge Mode ~ Near Light Event (ft. Ch’en Alter)
[Arknights] [NL-S-2] Challenge Mode ~ Near Light Event (ft. Ch’en Alter)
1.2 Myrtle Skin: Light Gold Celebration
From Limited Time Log-in Event
EPOQUE Collection New Arrivals/Light Gold Celebration. Generalissimo Myrtle’s attire during her triumphant return. Stand at attention–– and salute!

1.3 Paradox Simulation: Angelina

This is a difficult Paradox Simulation that took me several attempts to complete, in which we use Angelina S3 of reducing opponent weight for Rope and FEater to toss them down the hole. The hardest part comes in the last part with Possessed Heavy Defender Leader. As a result, I should go into greater detail than usual about the process of clearing this simulation.
It’s worth noting that Rope has a higher pulling strength than FEater’s pushing. So we should only utilize Rope to deal with the Possessed Heavy Defender Leader.
Angelina Paradox Simulation ~ click to expand

1.4 New Annihilation Mission: Dossoles Water Gate
My first attempt of Annihilation 10: Dossoles Watergate, is copying Kyostinv’s strategy, which allowed me to clear it with 400/400 but it was a complete disaster (because I don’t have Thorns and need to substitute him for someone else), Winterwisp Blood Shaman caused a hole in my defense and rest of enemies broke through, although remaining squadmates can hold out long enough for redeployment to kill the leaked foes.
After that, I implemented another strategy that is about occupying the first Gramophone. Specter S2 + Lappland S2 (for silence Dock Worker’s stun) are on top lane, and Pallas is on lower lane.
Saria, Ifrit, SilverAsh, Eyjafjalla, Gladiia and Mulberry are deployed on the water area.
This new strategy turns out very solid, no enemy breakthrough, Pallas can kill or soften Blood Shamans enough before they pose a threat to Saria, and let Ifrit finish them.
And just remember to save Specter’s S2 for golems. Mudrock can be a backup if Specter’s knocked out.
Mulberry at E1 is good enough for this stage, although I’ll definitely promote her to E2 later for skill masteries (faster cleaning elemental damage)
Around [388/400] waves, Saria can be defeated by Red Shaman, although I still win the match, so I’m sure to place Skadi’s Seaborn near Saria to help her stay alive next time. (will be fixed next week)
1.5 Annihilation 3: Lungmen Downtown
I restart Annihilation 3: Lungmen Downtown with a fresh team that includes new operators, although SilverAsh, Perfumer and Blue Poison remain. Because Skadi CH (and Amiya) is boosting other operators with high enough ATK stat to make this classic annihilation a cakewalk, there will be no need for Ifrit this time. To prevent leakage in Amiya’s lane, someone may need to stand behind her in the early waves.

1.6 Kazimierz Major Warm Up event
The rewards that we receive after participating in the web event:

1.7 Arknights OST: Bluish Light
Arknights | EP - Bluish Light | Lumen Theme
Lyric:Xueran Chen
Composer:Matthew Carl Earl
I am the one, a lost boat in the ocean
Trying to find a shore, to breathe, to begin
Moonlight fills the emptiness in the night
Only see those waves, echoing in the tide
Stand on the broken deck
Listen to the loneliness
Feel the stormy rain start to breed
Let it come, let it come, let it come
Then there’s the light
Came from the deepest darkest storm in the sea
The rain is pouring, the ocean’s crumbling
You’re the only thing I can see
Then there’s the light
Came from the deepest darkest storm in my heart
Break through the night
So strong and bright
You are my lighthouse
I am the one, a lost boat in the ocean
(In the ocean)
Only Heaven knows the blue of the sea
(Blue of the sea)
Moonlight fills the emptiness in the night
Only see those waves echoing in the tide
Stand on the broken deck
Listen to the loneliness
The stormy rain starts to breed
Let it come, let it come, let it come
Then there’s the light
Came from the deepest darkest storm in the sea
The rain is pouring, the ocean’s crumbling
You’re the only thing I can see
Then there’s the light
Came from the deepest darkest storm in my heart
Break through the night
So strong and bright
You are my lighthouse
You are my lighthouse
1.8 Arknights OST: [观心] feat. Saga
[观心] feat. Saga
Don’t go outside, seek confusion.
Xiang Tian asked, Yu Ji observed.
“Guanxin”, we know that chaos has bounds, and it’s bright.
1.9 W Skin: [EPOQUE] Fugue
Series: Epoque EPOQUE Line [Passe] Series Selects/Fugue. Ordinary Sarkaz mercenary wear. Easy to mend, protective, and carries even more explosives after simple modification.
6★ Sniper「 W Fugue 」Audio Records with Eng CC Sub (Google translate):
W - L2D + New Voice Added for W Skin 24 Originite Prime (FREE for who has already bought the skin)
1.10 Heavyrain in-depth gameplay analysis
Heavyrain is a Protector Defender (formerly known as Normal Defender) that is capable of providing a bit of healing to allies, as well as making herself and allies harder to kill through Camouflage buffs and some evasion (kinda). With on-demand camouflage, she also allows players to be able to unload damage to the enemies with little fear of retaliation while also being really tanky herself to prevent the enemy’s advance.
Heavyrain is one of those units that are mostly niche, but near-irreplaceable in that niche. She’s the only one that can do what she does so it’s kind of a rigged advertisement. Being the only unit (so far) that can hide other allies, she’s definitely a card worth having in your back pocket.
S1 is great for providing constant but short duration of camo. The regen is also great for sustaining as well, to protect units that don’t get outright killed by other ranged enemies (“the only HP that matters is the last one”). A quick example is 7-3, where you can use the lower ranged tile because of that constant camo protecting them from the Bonethrower. I recommend keeping this at S1M1 only, and M3 is mostly for extra regen. The 2nd charge is necessary if you want to use the skill at all!
S2 is great for unleashing hell on the enemies without retaliation (most of the time). The stats boost also allows Heavyrain to tank really well in melee combat too. M3 gives 3 extra seconds which is very valuable for a longer window of time to deal damage.
Compared to other Protectors, her tanking role is pretty decent. But most of the time, if you bring Heavyrain, it’s for the ally Camouflage. It’s what separates her from other units. But that also means Heavyrain is worth more of the investment long term than even Hoshi, as she is less likely to be out of her niche. Whether or not you need that niche in the first place, that’s on you to decide for yourself.
1.11 Arknights: Fartooth in-depth gameplay analysis
Fartooth is the 6* Deadeye Sniper specialising in long range damage. She’s a bit hard to use properly, but when you get used to it, she can do things almost no other units can. With massive ATK, evasion ignore, and two abilities: one to assist allies anywhere, and another with long straight range and even more damage, Fartooth brings a new perspective of the battlefield for the peculiar strategists out there.