Blog 05-30-22
1 Arknights
1.1 Mulberry E2 Promotion
Mulberry Showcase and In-depth Review

1.2 Mulberry S1M1
Mulberry S1M1 Training ~ click to expand

1.3 Mansfield Break Rerun Event

Event Stage Period: May 26, 2022, 10:00(UTC-7) - June 5, 2022, 03:59(UTC-7)
T3 Materials Farmable From Event Stages:
- MB-8 - Oriron Cluster
- MB-7 - Aketon
- MB-6 - Sugar Pack
Farming Efficiencies (Source): Oriron > Aketon > Sugar, but all are efficient and fine to farm. The next event with a good Oriron stage is Stultifera Navis, roughly 6 months away, so most players will want to prioritize it. It will also be a long wait for the next event with Aketon, A Walk In the Dust Rerun, (which also features RMA), so players may want to consider stockpiling some of that as well. Sugar Packs will be the soonest to return, showing up as farmable in Guiding Ahead, where it competes with Loxic as an efficient farm. Given that Sugar and Loxic were both efficient farms in the last event, and Sugar’s lower efficiency in this event compared to alternatives, farming Sugar should probably be limited to immediate short-term needs.
[Arknights] [MB-8] Mansfield Break Event (No Imprisonment Devices damaged)
1.4 Robin Skin: [EPOQUE] - Gift of Wild

1.5 Pudding
Pudding is a very solid 4* option, bringing competitive damage and cycle time to a weak class and archtype. She doesn’t quite surpass Click as the premiere 4* Caster, but she is a competitive option. Both of her skills are good options for mastery, but favor her S2. Her S1 is the better control skill but the damage is significantly worse and she doesn’t reach 100% uptime on the slow, so there’s usually better options for that. Her S2 meanwhile is what makes her special as a chain caster. As long as there’s at least 2 enemies, she reaches her full damage potential, something the higher rarity Leizi struggles with.
A small note is I say that Click is better, yet Click is only rated as B in the main guide. The difference is because I will likely be raising Click’s grade with the IS guide update soon.

1.6 Nearl Potential 3

1.7 Record Restoration: Code of Brawl

1.8 2nd Anniversary Art Book sneak peek
These photos were taken using the phone’s camera and then processed with Waifu2Caffe and Photoshop adjustments.
srcset="/images/log2/blog05-30-22/Utage_2nd_artbook.webp, /images/log2/blog05-30-22/Utage_2nd_artbook.webp 1.5x, /images/log2/blog05-30-22/Utage_2nd_artbook.webp 2x"
alt="/images/log2/blog05-30-22/Utage_2nd_artbook.webp" height="2300" width="4096" >
srcset="/images/log2/blog05-30-22/Eyja_2nd_artbook.webp, /images/log2/blog05-30-22/Eyja_2nd_artbook.webp 1.5x, /images/log2/blog05-30-22/Eyja_2nd_artbook.webp 2x"
alt="/images/log2/blog05-30-22/Eyja_2nd_artbook.webp" height="2302" width="4096" >
srcset="/images/log2/blog05-30-22/FEater_BP_2nd_artbook.webp, /images/log2/blog05-30-22/FEater_BP_2nd_artbook.webp 1.5x, /images/log2/blog05-30-22/FEater_BP_2nd_artbook.webp 2x"
alt="/images/log2/blog05-30-22/FEater_BP_2nd_artbook.webp" height="2250" width="4096" >
srcset="/images/log2/blog05-30-22/Mudrock_Suzuran_2nd_artbook.webp, /images/log2/blog05-30-22/Mudrock_Suzuran_2nd_artbook.webp 1.5x, /images/log2/blog05-30-22/Mudrock_Suzuran_2nd_artbook.webp 2x"
alt="/images/log2/blog05-30-22/Mudrock_Suzuran_2nd_artbook.webp" height="2276" width="4096" >
srcset="/images/log2/blog05-30-22/Blaze_Lin_2nd_artbook.webp, /images/log2/blog05-30-22/Blaze_Lin_2nd_artbook.webp 1.5x, /images/log2/blog05-30-22/Blaze_Lin_2nd_artbook.webp 2x"
alt="/images/log2/blog05-30-22/Blaze_Lin_2nd_artbook.webp" height="2310" width="4096" >
1.9 Twitter
Example tweet
[Official Comics] 123 Rhodes Island Chapter 18
— TwilledWave (@TwilledW) May 27, 2022
Savage needs more screen time in-game #アークナイツ #Arknights
(A collection of the official comics )