Blog 12-16-21
1 Arknights
1.1 New Banner Type Revealed!
Unlike every other banner we’ve seen before, these New Year’s Celebration banners do not contain any specific Operator on rate up. Instead, the FIRST (and only the first!) 6★ Operator you pull is guaranteed to be one you do not already own excluding Limited Operators.
1.2 New Year Headhunting Pack
click to expand
Operators not yet obtained: Ceobe, Bagpipe, Rosa, Exusiai, Mostima, Magallan, Aak, Schwarz, Thorn, Surtr, Mountain.
Operators will be in shop (plan to buy): Ceobe, Bagpipe, Rosa, Schwarz. Total: 4*180 = 720 Gold Cert
Operators left in the pool: Exusiai, Mostima, Magallan, Aak, Thorn, Surtr, Mountain.
An interesting thing to note here, that α Type Headhunting Ticket (Surtr / Archetto / Aak) is aligned with the operators I’m missing. If I’m lucky, I might be able to get Surtr or Aak, but Archetto is fine because I like having her here as well, but she won’t contribute to omitting a slot in the New Year banner pool.
1.3 Recruitment: 5★ Guaranteed Tags
Tags Combination Check:

Nuker = Firewatch
Debuff + AoE = Meteorite
Choose Firewatch for Pot4

2 Easy Olive Oil Pasta
◈ Follow on this this recipe, I went to this restaurant and ordered pasta with garlic and olive oil sauce.

I’ve realized what my homemade pasta is missing:
There isn’t enough olive oil, and the noodle string isn’t adequately coated with sauce.
I should cook the sauce separately, then toss the noodles into the sauce and stir for a few minutes.
Cooking with too much cheese can ruin the olive oil sauce. (If desired, top with additional cheese when serving.)
◈ Restaurant’s Address:
Address: 242 Nguyễn Thị Minh Khai, Phường 6, Quận 3, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, Vietnam.